This is the Story of a Band...

Soundtown Baltimore is a cover band of talented, charismatic, fun-loving musicians. We've all been playing music for a long time. Our singer, Sam, writes his own tracks, and our guitarist, Dan, teaches private guitar lessons. Kevin is obsessive about his keyboards (and the keytar). Our singer, Niki, has every kind of instrument you can imagine at her house. And Jeff, the bassist, took up drums just so he could get a kit for Matt to practice on in his basement.

Soundtown Baltimore began rocking in 2012, and we have been playing every fun, classic, popular, and unexpected song we can think of ever since. We've played all around Maryland (and beyond), from packed bars to giant stages, and from sloppy house parties to lavish weddings. We play GOOD COVER MUSIC and we want to share it all with you!

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